

I write about different things. They might be interesting to you. Or not, you're your own person, I'm not going to tell you what to do.

Kill by Kill Ep. 55: Spider Summer

Kill by Kill Ep. 55: Spider Summer

After not one, but two false openers in the 2009 reboot of Friday the 13th, things finally, albeit slowly, get under way. Omar Najam of Thanks for Questing is our guest as we continue to ponder Crystal Lake’s questionable geography, whether or not Jason Voorhees is really protecting the town’s bountiful weed crop, and play an all new game called Choose Your Own Lick-venture. Finally, after all this time there’s a character with the same name as me! And, it’s a sex mannequin. Ah well, in this economy you take your wins where you can get them, amirite?

Also, two big announcements: we’re now on Spotify, and our Patreon page is officially open and ready to accept your currency. Listen and give today!

Tune In Tonight: "Invitation to Hell"

Tune In Tonight: "Invitation to Hell"

Tune in Tonight: "Rock: It's Your Decision"

Tune in Tonight: "Rock: It's Your Decision"