

I write about different things. They might be interesting to you. Or not, you're your own person, I'm not going to tell you what to do.

Kill by Kill Ep. 63: When Subtext is Just Text

Kill by Kill Ep. 63: When Subtext is Just Text

Patrick and I aren’t proud people. We admit mistakes, and we admit that when we first watched A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy’s Revenge as naive teenagers, we didn’t “get” what it was really about. Well, now we get it, and you know what? We kinda love it, and Terry Mesnard of Gayly Dreadful joins us as we dig in to this weird, fascinating, extremely sweaty movie. Be sure to rate us on iTunes, and consider becoming a Patreon subscriber!

Tune in Tonight: A Salute to Barney Rubble, Master of Disguise (Part 1)

Tune in Tonight: A Salute to Barney Rubble, Master of Disguise (Part 1)

Tune in Tonight: And Now a Word From Our Sponsor (the 80s)

Tune in Tonight: And Now a Word From Our Sponsor (the 80s)